
Perfect attendance contest

AFLAC is available to all employees.
For options and enrollment, please see the following link:

HSA/Color Classes

IRS Tax Deduction Calculator: Do you want to change how much money is deducted from your paycheck for Federal Taxes? If so, use this tool from the IRS to calculate how much to deduct, then call Karen and change your deduction amount.

Employee Referral Program

Employee Referral Program: We will pay $$$ to any employee that refers a friend and we hire them. The payment will be added to your paycheck after the employee has been with our franchise for 90 days. To start, select which brand you’re referring a candidate to. If you’re not sure, select one of them, and we’ll figure it out. You’ll be prompted to send a text (SMS) message with their contact information, and we’ll walk you through the rest over text message.

Technical Support:

As part of your employment with Midwestyles Management, you agree to receive employee announcements via SMS/Text messages from us.

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